How to Drive High Traffic from Social Media Sites Imporatnce Tips Latest 2012

1. Follow your followers

Follow your Followers
Follow like-minded people
There is a very popular saying in English,
Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.
It fits in very well in this scenario. You must follow people on social sites if you want them to follow you. It is simply a give and take relationship. You take interest in their happenings and in return they reciprocate by visiting your blog.
Moreover, following people makes you discover people and likings. You can easily figure out the likeminded people and target the potential audience for your blog. Once you are sorted, you can continue following the likeminded class and ignore others.
It gets easier finding the active audience and replying to their comments or suggestions before they end up ignoring you.

2. Untangle the “thread of discontent”

[Image Credit]
It is extremely important that you know what people want. In order to figure out what the crowd desires, you must listen carefully to what they say. Pay careful attention to the comments and the posts made by them. These posts and comments will give you an insight in their thoughts and desires.
You must focus on what kind of data they share often. In other words you should become a pebble in the pond which has been dropped to rouse ripples. However, before arousing these ripples you must unravel the thread of content.
Untangling the thread of discontent will enable you to discover the thoughts and beliefs of your followers.

3. Make sure the Content is what the Audience wants

Choose and write on topics which your readers like
[Image Credit]
You must design your contents by stepping in the shoes of your followers. Once you start talking on their lines, the task becomes very easy.
For example, in a conference for marketers you are presenting your views regarding salesmanship versus marketing, if you present your views keeping in mind the grievances of the marketers and molding your thoughts in their words, your thoughts will definitely make an impact on the audience.
Through a personalized approach, this step works wonders for driving high traffic to your blog. Thus it is clear that driving high traffic to your blog doesn’t only demand good quality consistent articles. What matters is that you deliver content that appeals to the masses and connects to them on personal front.
Once people discover the reflection of their personal reality in your blog, the traffic will keep on pouring in and the number of followers will increase day by day.
This is a guest post by Margaret. She recently bought automotto. These days she is busy in writing an article on ecofriend. Read more about her in the author box.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting, thanks Several gurus commented that they weren’t sure if the time invested in their top social media channel was what tipped the scales (and a lot of eyes are on Google+!). That makes a lot of sense. I’m still relatively new to blogging and just “discovering” Facebook, and falling in love with it! I have a feeling the potential for relationship-building is much stronger there, though how that translates into traffic, I’m not sure yet. I was having a lot of success with Triberr until it went manual but traffic is still growing despite it. I can’t help but wonder what it would be WITH it!
    Food for thought! Again, thanks
