Scrolling Text - Marquee HTML Code Latest

Go to Template -> Page Elements -> Add a Page Element, select HTML/JavaScript to add the marquee code.

If you want the text to be in your Posts, just like what you see in this post, see that you are in the “Edit HTML” mode and not “Compose” mode when you add the marquee code.

Marquee HTML Code

The basic code to add is this:-

Type 1

Text scrolls from right to left by default.
<marquee bgcolor="#ffffcc">Text scrolls from right to left by default.</marquee>

Type 2
Bouncing text using the alternate behavior.
<marquee behavior="alternate" width="80%" bgcolor="#ffffcc">Bouncing text using the alternate behavior.</marquee>

Type 3
Text scrolls upwards.

For the text to appear in the next line, add this tag after the previous line.

<marquee scrolldelay="150" direction="up" width="300px" height="100px" bgcolor="#ffffcc">Text scrolls upwards.

For the text to appear in the next line, add this tag <p></p> after the previous line.</marquee>

Type 4

Text scrolls downwards.

For the text to appear in the next line, add this tag after the previous line.

<marquee hspace="50%" direction="down" scrollamount="2" height="100px" bgcolor="#ffffcc">Text scrolls downwards.

For the text to appear in the next line, add this tag <p></p> after the previous line.</marquee>

Type 5
Text scrolls from left to right.

<span style="color:#F6358A; font-weight:bold;"><marquee direction="right" scrollamount="3" bgcolor="#333333">Text scrolls from left to right.</marquee></span>

Type 6
Text scrolls from left to right.
<span style="color:#6AFB92; font-size:xx-large; font-family:fantasy; font-weight:bold;"><marquee direction="right" scrollamount="3" bgcolor="#333333">Text scrolls from left to right.</marquee></span>

Type 7
Text scroll pauses when the mouse hovers over it and starts again when the mouse is moved out of the text.
<marquee bgcolor="#ffffcc" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">Text scroll pauses when the mouse hovers over it and starts again when the mouse is moved out of the text.</marquee>

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