Most Viewed Cool Social Media Sharing Touch Me Widget Latest 2012

  1. Social Media Sharing Touch Me Widget 
  2. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Layout
  3. Select Add a Gadget
  4. Select HTML/JavaScript
  5. Copy and paste the code below
/*--------B2W Touch Me Sharing Widget ------*/
.touchme a {
padding:0 4px;
background:transparent url( no-repeat;
-webkit-transition: ease-in 0.2s all;
-moz-transition: ease-in 0.2s all;
-o-transition: ease-in 0.2s all;
-ms-transition: ease-in 0.2s all;
transition: ease-in 0.2s all;
.touchme a.googleplus {
background-position: 0px -58px;
.touchme a.googleplus:hover {
background-position: 0px 0px;
.touchme a.twitter {
background-position: 0px -290px;
.touchme a.twitter:hover {
background-position: 0px -232px;
.touchme a.facebook {
background-position: 0px -406px;
.touchme a.facebook:hover {
background-position: 0px -348px;
.touchme a.rss {
background-position: 0px -174px;
.touchme a.rss:hover {
background-position: 0px -116px;
<p style="display:none;">Cool Social Media Sharing Touch Me Widget by <a href="">Beautiful Blogger Widgets</a></p>
<div class='touchme'>
<a class='rss' href="YOUR RSS LINK" rel='external nofollow' target='_blank'></a>
<!--Google Plus-->
<a class='googleplus' href="YOUR GOOGLE PROFILE LINK" rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a>
<a class='facebook' href="YOUR FACEBOOK LINK" rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a>
<!-- Twitter -->
<a class='twitter' href="YOUR TWITTER LINK" rel='nofollow' target='_blank' ></a>
Note: Change YOUR RSS LINK with your Feed burner link, YOUR GOOGLE PROFILE LINK with your Google+ URL, YOUR FACEBOOK LINK with your Facebook URL, TWITTER LINK with your Twitter URL.
5. Save.


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